- 2001: born in Taipei, Taiwan
- 2007: developed a passion for reading, mainly novels
- 2011: started playing with LEGO NXT, found programming fun
- 2016: shifted focus to non-fiction books
- 2019: moved to Hsinchu, Taiwan, to study Computer Science at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
- 2020: started writing on Medium
- 2022: interned at NVIDIA Taiwan, working on GPU boot firmware testing
- 2023: studied abroad in Gothenburg, Sweden, as an exchange program at Chalmers tekniska högskola, traveled to over 10 European countries
- 2024: started this blog, moved to Champaign, Illinois, USA to pursue a master’s degree in Computer Science at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- 2025: migrated my blog to ctsai.me
I enjoy reading
Reading is an indispensable part of my life. I am fortunate that I had a childhood without easy access to electronic devices, where I developed reading habits.
As a child and adolescent, I read for entertainment and fun, but now I read for learning and growth. Reading is the most effective way to learn from the greatest people throughout the world and history. Although the purpose changed, the enjoyment didn’t change.